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Contract ExampleToken

contract ExampleToken {
totalSupply: UFix64
VaultStoragePath: StoragePath
ReceiverPublicPath: PublicPath
VaultPublicPath: PublicPath
AdminStoragePath: StoragePath

Implemented Interfaces:

  • FungibleToken

Structs & Resources

resource Vault

resource Vault {
balance: UFix64

Each user stores an instance of only the Vault in their storage The functions in the Vault and governed by the pre and post conditions in FungibleToken when they are called. The checks happen at runtime whenever a function is called.

Resources can only be created in the context of the contract that they are defined in, so there is no way for a malicious user to create Vaults out of thin air. A special Minter resource needs to be defined to mint new tokens.


resource Administrator

resource Administrator {


resource Minter

resource Minter {
allowedAmount: UFix64

Resource object that token admin accounts can hold to mint new tokens.


resource Burner

resource Burner {

Resource object that token admin accounts can hold to burn tokens.



fun createEmptyVault()

func createEmptyVault(): Vault

Function that creates a new Vault with a balance of zero and returns it to the calling context. A user must call this function and store the returned Vault in their storage in order to allow their account to be able to receive deposits of this token type.

Returns: The new Vault resource


event TokensInitialized

event TokensInitialized(initialSupply UFix64)

The event that is emitted when the contract is created

event TokensWithdrawn

event TokensWithdrawn(amount UFix64, from Address?)

The event that is emitted when tokens are withdrawn from a Vault

event TokensDeposited

event TokensDeposited(amount UFix64, to Address?)

The event that is emitted when tokens are deposited to a Vault

event TokensMinted

event TokensMinted(amount UFix64)

The event that is emitted when new tokens are minted

event TokensBurned

event TokensBurned(amount UFix64)

The event that is emitted when tokens are destroyed

event MinterCreated

event MinterCreated(allowedAmount UFix64)

The event that is emitted when a new minter resource is created

event BurnerCreated

event BurnerCreated()

The event that is emitted when a new burner resource is created